Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds. We pride ourselves on offering the best possible learning experiences for our students, regardless of previous academic levels. We began in 2009 as a pre-school, but have since expanded and are now registered as a full-fledged school providing classes from Kindergarten to 10th Grade and recognized by the Telangana Government.
Our trained teachers ensure that each student has access to personalized attention, with one-on-one tutoring and mentorship. Our engaging curriculum offers extensive opportunities for our students to discover their potential in academic studies, co-curricular activities, practical life style skills and social excellence. With Sri's Leap 's holistic approach towards education and development, we nurture future leaders ready to face the challenges of the changing world.
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
Sri's Leap School is an educational institution with a mission to provide quality education for children of all backgrounds
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